How to get from Rome to Pisa - all the ways


We will tell you about all the ways to get from Rome to Pisa on your own. Which transport is faster and cheaper? Schedule, stops, fares and ticket purchase features. What can you save on.

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How to get by bus from Rome to Pisa

Pisa is located 355 km northwest of Rome. Taking the bus is a fairly cheap way to get from Rome to Pisa on your own. Passengers are transported on modern air-conditioned buses FlixBus, MarinoBus and Baltour... All of them have toilets, comfortable adjustable chairs, 220 V sockets for charging gadgets and free Wi-Fi.

Stops... Intercity buses depart from the bus station Roma Tiburtina and arrive at the bus station Via Pietrasantina, which is 1 km from the Plaza of Miracles and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. You can walk to the iconic landmarks of Pisa or take the city buses one stop. Interchangeable buses from Rome to Pisa stop in Bologna.

schedule... Depending on the season, there are 3-6 buses a day between Rome and Pisa. They walk at intervals of 2.5-3 hours. See the schedule on Omio. The direct route takes from 5.5 hours to 6 hours 45 minutes.

Where can I buy a ticket. Bus Rome - Pisa tickets are sold at the box office Biglietteria and vending machines at the Roman bus station. They usually cost between 14 and 32.5 euros. The price includes baggage and hand luggage. However, it is more convenient to buy online on the Omio service - there are tickets for all carriers.

How to save... The cheapest tickets from FlixbusIf you buy in advance, you will pay only 9.8 euros for the bus from Rome to Pisa. Take an overnight flight to save on hotel costs. This bus leaves Rome at 1:40 and arrives in Pisa at 8:25.

How to get from Rome to Pisa by train

For tourists who value time and comfort, high-speed trains are the fastest and safest way to get from Rome to Pisa on their own. Travel time for high-speed trains is 2-3 hours, and for regional trains - 4 hours.

Schedule. Trains from Rome to Pisa run daily from 6:05 am to 12:15 am at intervals of 15 minutes to an hour. Check the current timetable on Omio or on the websites of the Italian railways ItaloTreno and Trenitalia.

Stops. Daily trains leave from railway stations Tiburtini and Terminiand night Intercitynotte - from the Ostiense station. All trains from Rome arrive at Pisa Central Station Pisa Centrale... We advise you to arrive at the station 40 minutes before departure in order to deal with the platforms and not miss your train.

Where can I buy a ticket... Tickets are sold at ticket offices and vending machines at Rome train stations. In summer, when there are a lot of tourists, there are queues, so we advise you to buy tickets online in advance. It is convenient to search on the Russian-language service Omio.

Travel on high-speed trains costs between 17.8 and 43.7 euros. Prices for newer and faster trains are higher. First class tickets cost € 29.9 when purchased in advance, and € 60-70 at the box office on the day of departure.

How to save... Buy a ticket for the high-speed train Rome - Pisa 1-2 months before the trip online - this is the cheapest way. The lowest prices - 17-20 euros - are at a non-refundable rate Super Economy.

An interesting and profitable option is to get from Rome to Pisa by train with a change in Florence. Plan your stop for 5-6 hours, and you will have time to visit the Uffizi Gallery and take a sightseeing tour of the city for 20 euros.

BlaBlaCar ride

It is expensive to travel by taxi from Rome to Pisa - you will pay 400 euros or more. It is much more profitable to find fellow travelers and share the travel expenses with them. Download the BlaBlaCar app, set the starting and ending point of the route, the desired date, time and choose the appropriate offer from the drivers. The road will take 4-4.5 hours and will cost from 12.7 euros. Very cheap!

Rome to Pisa by car

If you prefer to plan your own route and admire the picturesque views from the car window, we advise you to get from Rome to Pisa in a rented car. The road on highways will take 4-4.5 hours.

Car rental companies operate at Rome Fiumicino Airport and in the city itself. Renting an economy class car costs from 10 euros per day. Add to the rental price the cost of fuel - about 80 euros, payment of autobahns and parking. Find out all the nuances of car rental abroad.

We advise you to extend the trip for 2-3 days and continue the route along regional roads. There are a lot of places where you want to get out of the car and take pictures of the beautiful views. Swim in the sea at the beaches of Santa Marinella, and make stops in Florence, Bagnoregio and Orvieto.

How to save... Rent a car not for a day, but for several days - this way you will receive a discount.

What is the best way to get from Rome to Pisa

The cheapest way to get yourself from Rome to Pisa is by bus, faster - by high-speed trains.

If you dream of making your trip more interesting and love driving, rent a car! The most inexpensive rental offices operate at Rome airport. Guide your route through the fabulously beautiful cities and picturesque regions of Umbria and Tuscany.

Tourists who come to Italy alone or together can easily get from Rome to Pisa with fellow travelers. This option is suitable for everyone who wants to travel inexpensively by car.

During the warmer months from the airport Fiumicino (FCO) in Rome to the airport Pisa (PSA) the planes of the Italian company Alitalia fly. The flight lasts 55 minutes and costs from 63 euros. In July and August, prices triple. Please note that you will have to get from the city to the airport and back, spend time on check-in, pre-flight control and baggage claim.
