What to do at the airport or how to pass the waiting time


What to do at the airport if there is still a long time before the flight? How to while away the time so that the long-awaited flight quickly picks you up and you fly away on vacation? In this article I will try to give some advice and recommendations on this matter. I have often noticed people waiting at airports who simply do not know what to do and do all sorts of stupid things. In Moscow, I recently watched a foreigner who wanted to go home so much that he looked at the scoreboard all the time without taking his eyes off; I watched this action for about two hours while I was waiting for my flight.

What to do at the airport to pass the time? I think this question is especially acute for those people who are afraid to fly on airplanes, because in anticipation of fear it becomes even worse, and someone does not know what to do out of idleness, so here is the answer to the question, you need to do something to simply not to waste time, for example, I am currently writing an article sitting in the waiting room for my flight home after a long business trip.

By the way, if you are really nervous while waiting for the flight or are afraid to fly, then be sure to read the article about aerophobia or how to overcome the fear of flying on an airplane, perhaps these tips will help you on further trips and make it possible to enjoy your vacation on the way to the airport and not after it.

So, according to my observations, most people like to sit and read magazines, while flipping through them every few seconds, this suggests that a person is not interested in information or that he is just nervous before the flight, well, or his head is full of something important. But the first option is to read your favorite book or magazine. A huge number of people spend time before the flight in a cafe overlooking the runway, not all airports provide such an opportunity, but time flies by, especially for those who like to watch airplanes, this applies to me too - this is my passion.

Watching a movie is another very good recommendation, and the movie should be kind and exciting, there shouldn't be any action movies, a person should plunge into a calm emotional state when watching a movie, which is given by neutral genres and favorite movies (even though you have watched the film a thousand times ), this is the only way you can pass the time, no horror or action movies!

Children belong to a separate topic, they do not need to decide what to do at the airport, they can easily find a business that will entertain them for the entire waiting period for the plane, especially if there are still children nearby, well, if your child is very moody, then the proven ice cream - game room "works one hundred percent.

Of course, the Internet will help pass the time while waiting, which now I am doing, going online and writing an article. Everyone for himself already knows what to do on the Internet for him and everyone already knows sites that will help him to leave reality for a certain time, here I can only advise you to charge the battery of your device to full combat readiness so that virtual reality is enough to the very ladder of the plane.

Secondary advice I can give are the following - go shopping, for example, DutyFree, a great idea that few people refuse to turn up at the airport. If you like to communicate, then we sit down to interesting people in your opinion and try to start a conversation, believe me, time just doesn’t noticeably fly by, especially when you learn a lot of useful information from the conversation. Some airports are very beautiful in terms of architecture and design, if you have time, be sure to arrange a photo session.

If the airport allows you to arrange a sports race in a fitness room, then passing the waiting time will not only be easy and fast, but also good for your health. What to do at the airport? Of course, each person has his own thoughts on this matter, but I decided to share mine and gave several recommendations. Did you like the article? I would be very grateful if you share it on social networks and click on the icon below, that's all, visit my website more often and find out a lot more useful things about tourism and travel, and it's time for me to board the flight.
