Where to stay in the Elbrus region inexpensively? Rental prices


Travel Picture »Russia» Where to stay in the Elbrus region inexpensively? Rental prices

Where can you stay in the Elbrus region in summer and winter inexpensively? Consider cheap accommodation options in houses, apartments and hotels that are most suitable for a few days or a long stay. Consider rental housing in the private sector from the owners and offers near ski lifts in winter, we will find summer options closer to nature with developed infrastructure.

A visit to the foothills of Elbrus and its environs is a cherished dream of all Russian skiers and lovers of snow peaks. But it is not enough just to get on a train or plane, and after a while start rolling down the slopes. It is very important to choose suitable conditions for life at the resort, only then the vacation will bring real pleasure, and not become an endless source of problems.

Where is the best place to stay in the Elbrus region?

The resort area here is quite long - it takes about two dozen kilometers in the Baksan gorge. Regardless of the season, if you want to rent a house in the Elbrus region cheaply at competitive prices, you should look for options away from the funiculars. Such proposals will obviously delight climbers and mountain tourists, because both of them will still climb the mountains on their own.

Skiers and snowboarders, on the other hand, concentrate near the cable cars, but there are disadvantages: too many people, there is a great avalanche danger. And getting into the highlands without acclimatization is not very pleasant. As a compromise, you can call the choice of an inexpensive hotel away from the ski slopes with a free transfer service.

Since in the summer months lifts are not very relevant, it is worth considering accommodation in climbing camps located directly at the entrance to the Elbrus region. If you drive another five kilometers, you can reach the village Neutrino... Just a quarter of an hour will significantly reduce the cost of living, and this is often used by those arriving by their own transport.

The next five kilometers lead travelers to the village Elbrus: here the prices are higher, but the settlement itself is larger, there is a retail network and medical institutions. The edge of the village turns smoothly into the resort area, located in a pine forest. And local hotels provide a shuttle service to the ski lifts.

  • Hotels in Elbrus

If this is not too interesting, it is worth noting that many climbing expeditions begin their ascent from here. Continuing along this road, you can find the village Tegenekli with a large boarding house, a mass of departmental tourist centers, the villages of Baidaevo, Polyana Narzanov and Itkol.

  • Guest houses in Tegenekli

Housing seekers in the private sector are trying to stay in Terskol (although there are also a number of hotels). You can walk to the gorge or, heading in the other direction, visit a real Caucasian forest. An ideal place for walks in the fresh air, for "quiet hunting".

  • Accommodation in Tereskol

Where to stay in the Elbrus region next to the ski lift?

Optimal prices for hotels in the Elbrus region are provided to visitors of the glade Cheget... The discount is largely due to the increased avalanche danger at this location. The slopes of the mountains in the Cheget area are mainly suitable for trained skiers, beginners will not have enough skills for safe and comfortable skiing.

  • Accommodation in Cheget

In the meadow Azau tourists are offered to settle at the very foot of the mountain. From here it will be easy to get to the lifts. But we have to reckon with the avalanche threat in most of the territory. In addition, the attraction for skiers means that there are literally no crowds here during the winter months.

And yet - Azau is located quite high, conditions are unfavorable for travelers with a weak heart or having problems with acclimatization. If you stay in other places named above, you will usually have to add the cost of paying for a taxi to the prices for rental housing in the Elbrus region.

A one-way trip costs 300-1000 rubles. Visitors to Cheget should be guided by the Ozon hotel chain and the Povorot hotel. But in Azau, the Alpina and Scheherazade hotels are among the best sites.

The choice of private houses closer to Elbrus, Azau and Cheget is best to start with Terskolwhere the rates are quite acceptable. Experienced travelers make sure to book all places in advance, getting acquainted with the current situation via the Internet.

It is useful to start the search for accommodation where it is better to stay in the Elbrus region with a selection of options that we have found for you based on our personal experience of visiting this territory and positive feedback from tourists.

  • Hotel Vertikal in the village of Terskol is considered one of the best options for a couple of travelers.

I really liked the location of the hotel and the availability of ski areas. Reviews for the accommodation here highly appreciate the comfort of the rooms and the catering services. Living in a budget double room during the week will cost 12,600 rubles.

  • Speaking about the hotels of the Elbrus region in Azau, one cannot ignore the hotel "Leopard".

The administration provides a transfer service to and from the airport at an additional charge. It is not difficult to get to the ski lift that takes tourists to Elbrus - the distance is a little more than a kilometer. We loved the lounge, the tour desk and the mountain views and the room furnishings. The hotel provides continental breakfasts, living in a double room during the week will cost 16800 rubles.

  • You can rent accommodation in Cheget at the hotel "Terskol".

The administration has organized round-the-clock registration of visitors and provides them with rooms with satellite TV and free parking. From personal experience, we can confirm that the view of the mountains and the quality of service here are simply excellent!

Check-in for a week in a two-level apartment with an area of ​​100 square meters will cost 54,600 rubles. (for five) or 49 thousand (for four guests). Judging by the feedback from visitors, the slightest nuances and subtleties are thought out there. The transfer is provided for additional money, there are retail outlets on the territory of the hotel.

  • Expensive hotel complexes include "Apartments Terskol".

Families and individual tourists visiting these apartments appreciate the quality of the services provided. Transfers to and from the airport terminal can be obtained for an additional amount. Six people are freely accommodated on 48 square meters, free parking is organized. The fee is 42,000 rubles, the road to the ski lift to Elbrus takes 4300 meters. Cheget is much closer, this peak is 1.3 km away.

It is not too difficult for one adult with a child to settle there. The owners are ready to help tourists and explain to them certain nuances of these places. Recently a quality renovation has been made.

  • «Shaman Chalet " - in the village of Elbrus - it is distinguished by its attractive location and cozy natural atmosphere, the first thing to do is to look for housing in the Elbrus region here.

You can settle in a comfortable double room for 32.2 thousand. Guests can make use of the terrace, lounge, Wi-Fi and free parking. We were amazed at the daily English and Irish breakfast, as well as the opportunity to immediately switch from it to cycling or walking in the area.

  • Hotel Smile opens its doors to 1 adult and 1 child for 31.5 thousand (in the half board category).

Payment is transferred directly on the spot, the distance to Cheget is only 700 meters. The administration has provided free Wi-Fi, and the most prepared rooms have a balcony. Breakfasts are always continental here, you can devote yourself to various forms of active leisure.

  • If you want the cheapest hotel, you should pay attention to "Terskol Seventh Region Elbrus".

This is an ordinary apartment, the cost of living in which is 15,240 rubles per week. The owners took care of the parking and the prepared kitchen, cable and satellite TV. When six people enter here, the total fee rises to 54.6 thousand rubles.

Housing offers with discounts

For tourists who are looking for cheap accommodation in the Elbrus region, they will certainly be interested in favorable accommodation:
